Revomet Plus Gel 40G is composed of Metronidazole 1% + Chlorhexidine Gluconate 0.25% Belongs to the category
Infection And Inflammation
Revomet Plus Gel 40G is composed of Metronidazole 1% + Chlorhexidine Gluconate 0.25% Belongs to the category
Infection And Inflammation
Before using this medication, tell your doctor or pharmacist of all prescription and nonprescription/herbal products you may use, especially of: aliskiren, lithium, drugs that may increase the level of potassium in the blood (such as ACE inhibitors including benazepril/lisinopril, birth control pills containing drospirenone).
Some ingredients (e.g., preservatives, fragrance) may make you more sensitive to the sun. Check the label for any warnings or ask your doctor or pharmacist if you need to take any specialprecautions when in the sun. Your doctor/pharmacist may suggest that you limit your time in the sun, avoid tanning booths and sunlamps, and use sunscreen and wear protective clothing when outdoors. Tell your doctor right away if you get sunburned or have skin blisters/redness.